Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The quality of what you do…

The quality of what you do…the title above takes you to a post by Simon U Ford telling you a bit more about the journey into Social Traffic and the importance of quality... My comments are below feel free to leave yours!
Comment : Hey Simon... just as you teach "words are everything," they are too when you make contact with someone online. You are so correct when you say “You’ll just know” when asked the quality question in relation to followers or friend requests. Using the correct intonations in your words, portraying your reason for wanting to make contact and showing that you have spent time to find out about the person you are introducing yourself too all go a long way to getting off on the right foot. Before taking you’re “Cracking the Code” course I was too approaching these venues more like a numbers game friending anyone who wanted to be my friend until they did something to offend me... but I was opening them up potentially to all my friends with out even vetting them. I do thing a lot differently now. Learning about how to use business pages and syndicate Notes to get my messages out to a broader audience has really helped... Can’t wait for the final Face Book training videos to be released so I can really get stuck into using all the functionality intelligently and with purpose.
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