Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The quality of what you do…

The quality of what you do…the title above takes you to a post by Simon U Ford telling you a bit more about the journey into Social Traffic and the importance of quality... My comments are below feel free to leave yours!
Comment : Hey Simon... just as you teach "words are everything," they are too when you make contact with someone online. You are so correct when you say “You’ll just know” when asked the quality question in relation to followers or friend requests. Using the correct intonations in your words, portraying your reason for wanting to make contact and showing that you have spent time to find out about the person you are introducing yourself too all go a long way to getting off on the right foot. Before taking you’re “Cracking the Code” course I was too approaching these venues more like a numbers game friending anyone who wanted to be my friend until they did something to offend me... but I was opening them up potentially to all my friends with out even vetting them. I do thing a lot differently now. Learning about how to use business pages and syndicate Notes to get my messages out to a broader audience has really helped... Can’t wait for the final Face Book training videos to be released so I can really get stuck into using all the functionality intelligently and with purpose.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Choose a show .. and relax with a cup of your favorite....

coffee .. or a green tea !! Maybee you were there for WOODSTOCK
...when the internet was just a dream in someones head and we
still queued at pay phones to call home.. well that's where
most of the team are coming from . Who would have thought that
we would be having weekly meetings with up to 50 people at
one time from all over the globe on the internet..or getting
into groups and starting Radio Shows! Well here we are ... ENJOY
my friends and leave your cup in the sink at the end of the show
..I`ll get them later !!

Who says the web is full of teanagers ..!!!

This young at heart group of middle aged entrepreneurs
got together doing a social media course and have now
put together their own team SOCIAL MEDIA BOOMERS and
a radio show telling everything about what they have
learned .. Next week they are recruiting more Social
Media Boomers who are up for a challenge to come with
them while they do their FACEBOOK launch ... There are
prizes to be WON!! Social media courses and books and
all you have to do is participate .. Follow great
instruction and learn!! What could be easier or more
rewarding? Sign onto GFC (the Google friend connects
widget for Followers on the leftof the page)this week and we will contact
you with details... Watch this video to.. meet the team!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

What are some of the benefits to Social Media Marketing and some of the steps you have to take

Three steps to marketing using Social media

I think firstly there are different horses for different courses.
An existing company with a long standing established brand,new
to the online space would need to approach it slightly differently
from a new company launching a product online... so different
strategies would need to be implemented, but at the end of the
day it comes down to getting educated

1) Established businesses need to listen first. They may have a
completely different idea of what their brand is than their customer
base. Mini for example thought hey were selling a neat little run
around that was cheap to run and easy to park. They spent millions
trying to compete in the new car market place.

After they listened to the bogs, tweets and forums they discovered
that Mini owners see themselves as members of an elite community
that belongs together they are far more likely to recommend the
car to their friends and family... a customer community who would
evangelize to the masses.

They decided to move their marketing investment to an online strategy
to target mini owners rather than the general prospective car buyers
engaging mini owner groups. They ran mini owners rallies and then
populated the photos from the events through flickr across blogs and
sharing platform to the public in general as well as the owners
building a real Buzz.

2) Next having found your customers... engage in conversation with
them. Start a company blog and twitter account inviting customers
and staff to comment, and learn from them. Some of the greatest
innovations in our society today have been born from the public’s
feedback on problems they need solution to “I wish it could do
this too!”. Nike or was it Adidas ? found out about a problem
with the glue on a batch of training shoes from comments online.
It immediately sent a notice offering an exchange before it became
a problem.
You obviously need to assign a staff member to do this type of work
for maintain blogs and watch whats happening... they will
need to be highly trained in all types and facets of Social Media
... where do you even find someone like that?

3) Once you are talking to your customers through you company blogs
and updating them of new posts through twitter or face book (where
you can also build a business page) you can start to feed out new
products , specials promotions using fun engaging videos that they
will want to share with their friends.. they may even go viral
like the "Blendtec’s" video where they blended an " I Phone" then
engaged their audience to suggest what they should blend next !
These videos lead back to your bogs company websites or specific
sales funnel for the particular campaign you are running.

So those three short steps again .....

Get educated.... on how to listen, participate and engage you
costumers or prospects to becoming your own sales force the sales
force driven by word of mouth, referrals and testimonials

Get educated... Find a Mentor, someone who understands this space
and hang onto their coat tails …. But hang on tight cos this ride
into the Social Media space is moving at a thousand miles an hour
and it takes effort and commitment to stay on top of it... if you
do you will surely reap the rewards.

Get educated … find a course (as mentioned above) that is
structured, manageable and with measurable results, do it yourself
so you understand it and then put your entire marketing department
through it so your whole team can participate in maintaining your
Brand identity and be part of the ongoing conversation that is
Social Media.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Facebook for business - Social traffic

Coming soon more amazing revelations about the power of Facebook for your business could you ignore an audience like this...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

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