Friday, September 11, 2009

Choose a show .. and relax with a cup of your favorite....

coffee .. or a green tea !! Maybee you were there for WOODSTOCK
...when the internet was just a dream in someones head and we
still queued at pay phones to call home.. well that's where
most of the team are coming from . Who would have thought that
we would be having weekly meetings with up to 50 people at
one time from all over the globe on the internet..or getting
into groups and starting Radio Shows! Well here we are ... ENJOY
my friends and leave your cup in the sink at the end of the show
..I`ll get them later !!

Who says the web is full of teanagers ..!!!

This young at heart group of middle aged entrepreneurs
got together doing a social media course and have now
put together their own team SOCIAL MEDIA BOOMERS and
a radio show telling everything about what they have
learned .. Next week they are recruiting more Social
Media Boomers who are up for a challenge to come with
them while they do their FACEBOOK launch ... There are
prizes to be WON!! Social media courses and books and
all you have to do is participate .. Follow great
instruction and learn!! What could be easier or more
rewarding? Sign onto GFC (the Google friend connects
widget for Followers on the leftof the page)this week and we will contact
you with details... Watch this video to.. meet the team!!

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